Can Sooland Gen Seekers guarantee results?

No. We cannot guarantee that we will find the information you are seeking. We can only assure you that we will make a thorough search. We will provide you with a detailed report of the records we searched and what we found or failed to find in the records. We will also give you a written analysis of what we found and recommendations for further research.

What do you charge for research services?

We work on a prepaid retainer basis. We charge X dollars per hour for the time we spend working on your case. We charge for the time we spend travelling, conducting research, and writing reports. If we have to pay for making copies or incur other incidental costs those will be itemized and charged against your account.

What are the first steps to hiring Sooland Gen Seekers?

We are going to ask you to ask you to define what you want us to look for. We are going to ask us to share the information you already know that could help us get to your goal more quickly. We will do an interview, preferably by phone, so we are clear about your goals and so we can gather some information.

We will spend a bit of time looking over the background information you provide. At this point we are trying to determine two things. First, does it look like the information you are seeking can be found in the geographic area where we do research? If it looks like the information you are seeking should be here in this area, then we will formulate an initial research plan. From that plan we will prepare an estimate of the time we think it will take to complete the initial plan.

At this point we will contact you to tell you what we think we should do, how much time we think that should take, and how much we would charge.

Is it cost effective to hire a researcher?

That depends on a number of factors.

How much would it cost you to travel.to the place where the records you need are held?

How long would you need to stay in the area to complete your research?

Are you already skilled at finding the types of records or information you are looking for?

Do you already know exact times, names, and places or are you working from verbal traditions and rather vague references?

How serious are you about getting your questions answered?

If you think about these questions in relation to your situation you should get a general sense of the time commitment and financial commitment it would likely take for you to get the answers yourself. With that in mind, contact a researcher and ask what they think it would cost to find out the things you want to know.

Are there types of research Sooland Gen Seekers will not do?

Yes. We do not find heirs or missing persons. We will not take on research that would require appearance in a courtroom or other legal setting.

Why does Sooland Gen Seekers require a signed contract?

We want all parties to be clear about the goals and expectations of the project. We want all parties to know how the information shared can be used in the future.